An update on multiple personality disorder. | Semantic Scholar (2025)

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@article{Kluft1987AnUO, title={An update on multiple personality disorder.}, author={Richard P. Kluft}, journal={Hospital \& community psychiatry}, year={1987}, volume={38 4}, pages={ 363-73 }, url={}}
  • R. Kluft
  • Published in 1 April 1987
  • Psychology

The author reviews recent advances in the understanding of the etiology, diagnosis, and treatment of multiple personality disorder and suggests that it is most parsimoniously understood as a chronic dissociative posttraumatic stress disorder.

139 Citations

Highly Influential Citations


Background Citations


Methods Citations


Results Citations


139 Citations

Multiple Personality: a Psychiatric Misadventure
    A. Seltzer


    Canadian journal of psychiatry. Revue canadienne…

  • 1994

The author has described five cases diagnosed multiple personality disorder by another health professional in which iatrogenic influences are clearly evident, and all renounced both the diagnosis and the alleged sex abuse etiology.

Multiple personality disorder: scientific and medicolegal issues.
    S. DinwiddieC. NorthS. Yutzy

    Law, Psychology

    The Bulletin of the American Academy of…

  • 1993

It remains to be demonstrated that evaluators can determine whether alter personalities, if they exist, are truly unaware of each other, lack control over other alters' behavior, or are unable to know right from wrong.

  • 16
  • PDF
Multiple personality disorder: Phenomenology of selected variables in comparison to major depression.
    R. SchultzB. BraunR. Kluft


  • 1989

The study confirms recent findings in the literature that MPD is not a rare disorder, its sufferers include a preponderance offemales, and it is highly correlated with childhood trauma, especially sexual and physical abuse.

  • 63
Multiple Personality Disorder
    A. Piper


    British Journal of Psychiatry

  • 1994

The contemporary diagnostic criteria for multiple personality disorder are vague and overinclusive, there is little literature support for the theory that MPD results from childhood trauma, and many of the techniques used to diagnose and treat the condition reinforce its symptoms.

  • 53
  • Highly Influenced
    M. D. Marlene Steinberg

    Medicine, Psychology

  • 2005

It is recommended that the diagnosis of MPD be considered in Hispanics with histories of ataque, and the author compares and contrasts her presentation of symptoms with those of the culturally accepted ataque de nervios, or "Puerto Rican syndrome".

  • PDF
    M. Steinberg


  • 1990

It is theorized that the similarities of ataque de nervios may increase the incidence of misdiagnosis of multiple personality disorder in Hispanics and it is recommended that the diagnosis of MPD be considered in Hispan­ ics with histories ofataque.

Multiple personality disorder in The Netherlands: a clinical investigation of 71 patients.
    S. BoonN. Draijer


    The American journal of psychiatry

  • 1993

To improve the detection of patients at high risk for multiple personality disorder, standardized instruments for inquiry about dissociative pathology should be used as part of routine diagnostic assessment.

  • 171
Diagnosing Dissociative Identity Disorder: Understanding and assessing manifestations can help clinicians identify and treat patients more effectively.
    R. Kluft


  • 2005

Patients with DID commonly suffer severe concomitant anxiety, exhibit both affective and somatoform symptoms, and demonstrate phenomena associated with a high degree of hypnotizability.

  • 16
Iatrogenic factors in the misdiagnosis of multiple personality disorder.
    P. Coons

    Medicine, Psychology

  • 1989

Proper diagnostic evaluation of a patient suspected of having MPD requires a familiarity with MPD, hypnoticphenomena, and a wide variety of clinical syndromes, as well as sufficient time for the evaluation.

  • 7
  • PDF
Dimensions of multiple personality disorder.
    J. B. Murray


    The Journal of genetic psychology

  • 1994

Research on multiple personality disorder has burgeoned, and large-scale investigations indicate that a typical MPD patient is a woman, a victim of childhood abuse, a person whose symptoms meet criteria for other psychiatric disorders, and a person who would employ many psychological defenses.

  • 6



49 References

Diagnosis of multiple personality during hypnosis: a case report.
    C. Ross


    The International journal of clinical and…

  • 1984

A case report is presented and a number of problems in the study of multiple personality are defined; the condition raises questions about ego function, pharmacotherapy, and the therapist himself.

  • 16
Psychosexual disturbances in multiple personality: characteristics, etiology, and treatment.
    P. CoonsV. Milstein


    The Journal of clinical psychiatry

  • 1986

Patients with multiple personality appears to be an adaptive response to various traumata and enables the individual superficially to function sexually because sexual functioning is often dissociated and managed by an alternate personality.

  • 140
The clinical phenomenology of multiple personality disorder: review of 100 recent cases.
    F. W. PutnamJ. GuroffEdward K. SilbermanLisa BarbanRobert M. Post


    The Journal of clinical psychiatry

  • 1986

The existence of a clinical syndrome characterized by a core of depressive and dissociative symptoms and a childhood history of significant trauma, primarily child abuse is documents.

  • 750
Multiple Personality: 165 Years after Mary Reynolds
    G. Greaves


    The Journal of nervous and mental disease

  • 1980

The author proposes a detailed theory of the genesis of multiple personality, based on the existing ease literature and on contemporary theories of ego development, which is considered at length.

  • 137
Multiple personality disorder in a hospital setting.
    F. W. PutnamLoewenstein RjSilberman EjPost Rm

    Medicine, Psychology

    The Journal of clinical psychiatry

  • 1984

Multiple personality disorder (MPD) should be considered in cases where there have been multiple diagnoses, failure of conventional treatments, a mixture of psychiatric and somatic symptoms, and/or

  • 47
On the differential diagnosis of multiple personality in the forensic context.
    M. OrneD. DingesE. Orne

    Psychology, Law

    The International journal of clinical and…

  • 1984

Abstract The problems of diagnosing multiple personality disorder in a forensic context are discussed, and illustrated by the case of Stute u. Kenneth Birrnchi (1979), a defendant who was both

  • 89
Treatment Progress in 20 Patients with Multiple Personality Disorder
    P. Coons


    The Journal of nervous and mental disease

  • 1986

The progress of therapy was hindered most commonly by the overuse of the mental mechanisms of repression and denial, the continued utilization of secrecy, which began during child abuse, and the production of numerous crises.

  • 75
DSM-III: Problems in Diagnosing Partial Forms of Multiple Personality Disorder: Discussion Paper
    C. Ross


    Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine

  • 1985

The organization of other sections of DSM-III will be discussed, including partial forms of multiple personality disorder which at present receive the unsatisfactory diagnosis of atypical dissociative disorder.

  • 15
  • PDF
High-Functioning Multiple Personality Patients Three Cases
    R. Kluft


    The Journal of nervous and mental disease

  • 1986

This article describes the circumstances of the diagnosis of three of a group of 12 highfunctioning multiple personality disorder patients. All had performed major social and professional activities

  • 41
The differential diagnosis of multiple personality. A comprehensive review.
    P. Coons


    The Psychiatric clinics of North America

  • 1984
  • 102



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    Author: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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    Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

    Birthday: 1995-01-14

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    Job: Corporate Healthcare Strategist

    Hobby: Singing, Listening to music, Rafting, LARPing, Gardening, Quilting, Rappelling

    Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.