Atrim Stick - build your own automation system using 800 series Z-Wave (2024)




Atrim Z Wave Stick Atrim Stick - build your own automation system using 800 series Z-Wave (11)
Atrim Z Wave Stick Atrim Stick - build your own automation system using 800 series Z-Wave (12)

Your home shouldn't be in the cloud. Smart electronics should run locally, privately, and continue to work even when the Internet drops out. With Atrim Stick you can build and customise your own smart home, automate thousands of devices through it, and run it all locally, privately, and cloud-free. And it shouldn't depend on it. Automate your home locally, privately, and cloud-free. Atrim Stick lets you create your own automation hub and connect thousands of devices to it.

Automation that sticks. A private and secure automation system begins with Atrim Stick. It can manage your home's lighting, HVAC, environment, security, safety, and just about anything that's electronic. Built with the latest iteration of Z-Wave Plus, the most advanced automation engine, Atrim Stick is securely compatible with over 4,000 different products. Each can be used to customise and automate your home's indoor and outdoor spaces.

Z-Wave Plus, 800 series enabled

4,000+ compatible devices

Stick powered systems

Z-Wave Long Range ready

Engineered as a USB adaptor, setting up Atrim Stick involves plugging it into a computer and installing software. You can use it with an existing computer or a dedicated Raspberry Pi, and with Mac, Windows or Linux. You can use it with a wide range of software, including open-source and commercial options. And, because it's running locally, you can extend your automation software beyond Z-Wave, connecting and automating thousands of other devices and platforms to the software including Alexa, IKEA Trådfri, Philips Hue, Sonos, Wi-Fi, and Zigbee.

Z-Stick 8, 800 series, Gen8 Atrim Stick - build your own automation system using 800 series Z-Wave (13)

Everything you need to start a smart home and then some. Redesigned and engineered around 800 series Z-Wave Plus, this Gen8 edition of Atrim Stick brings exceptional wireless performance and range into a perfectly sized package. Styled like a USB stick, this latest version of Atrim Stick can now communicate with 17x more devices, with 200% more power, and over a wireless range as great as 1.5 miles.

Next-gen smarts Uses next generation automation technology ‐ Z-Wave 800 series. Learn more

Engineered with Z-Wave Plus 800 series inside, Atrim Stick now has 200% more memory and processing power giving it the quickest automation ever offered in a Z-Wave stick. And, even though it's next-gen focussed, it's still backwards compatible with all outdated Z-Wave products including Gen5 / 500 and Gen7 / 700 series products.

Completely compatible Connect up to 4,000 devices from a full range of 4,000+ potential Z-Wave devices. Learn more

4,000 is Atrim Stick's magic number. Over 4,000 different Z-Wave products have been certified and released by Z-Wave makers ‐ Atrim Stick's core is compatible with all of them. It can also connect to and manage as many as 4,000 separate devices in Long Range mode (North America only) or 232 separate devices in Relay mode.

Secure communication Secured by 3 layers of S2-certified encryption. Learn more

Security enhancements between start and send. Wireless automation between Atrim Stick and connected Z-Wave devices is secured through 3 separate layers of S2-grade security. Wireless communication is AES-128 bit encrypted and the presence of connected devices is authenticated through ECDH key exchange to prevent rogue device injection.

Size does matter Can wirelessly communicate with devices up to 1.5 miles away. Learn more

Available in 2 different sizes, 2.2x0.35" in North America and 1.9x0.35" elsewhere, Atrim Stick takes maximum advantage of Z-Wave to offer a wireless control range as massive as 1.5 miles in Long Range mode. Indoor communication is also improved with Atrim Stick now able to communicate up to 150 metres / 492' across a home in Relay mode - 50% further than last-generation.

Quick smarts Connect new devices in seconds by scanning their SmartStart, QR code. Learn more

Connect new devices to Atrim Stick in seconds by scanning their SmartStart code. Using a compatible app, you can enter or scan any Z-Wave device's SmartStart code. Within seconds, your new device is connected, all its security features are enabled and active, and it's ready to automate and control.

Cloud free Can be setup to run automations locally and without cloud processing. Learn more

The cloud goes down and so do most home automation systems. Your home shouldn't go down. Atrim Stick lets you create an automation system that isn't hosted in the cloud. It allows you to build a system with local processing, helping to prevent down-time due to Internet and cloud outages, and without the sharing of private data.

Atrim OmniSensor is presently available and shipping within Canada and United States. Click the link below to visit our official reseller.

Stick on ZWaveProducts

United States
Stick on ZWaveProducts

Atrim Stick mini Atrim Stick - build your own automation system using 800 series Z-Wave (14)



  • Compatible computer platform (e.g. Raspberry Pi) with appropriate specifications and spare USB A port
  • Software compatible with Z-Wave (e.g. free software such as Home Assistant)


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Atrim Stick - build your own automation system using 800 series Z-Wave (2024)
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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Views: 5621

Rating: 4 / 5 (71 voted)

Reviews: 86% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.